Spices and Natural Flavorings
Spices and Natural Flavorings
Star Anise
(Illicium verum)
The cloves of garlic,obtained from fresh heads just picked, are selected, washed, peeled, cut and quickly dried in dedicated special plants.
The final product preserves its flavor and aroma; among the dehydrated vegetables,it is widely used in food as a substitute of fresh one.It allows quick use and long preservation thanks to the drying process.
Our offer includes: dehyadrated garlic powder, granules, slices origin China.
Orange Zest
Orange – Ingl., Orange – Ted., Orange – Fr, Naranja – Sp., Апельсин – Russ.
Orange belongs to the Rutaceae family. It comes from Southeast Asia and it is grown in Central America, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa and – typically- in the Mediterranean countries. The tree is a white flower-evergreen, blooming in spring and harvested in autumn and winter.
Our offer includes: sweet and bitter orange peels,ribbons, kibbled, powder.
(Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Cinnamomum verum)
Cinnamon – Ingl., Zimt – Ted., Cannelle, écorce – Fr, Canela – Sp., Корица – Russ.
Queen cinnamon belongs to the Lauraceae family. It is cultivated in Sri Lanka, Java, Sumatra, Seychelles, Vietnam, Madagascar, Brazil and Jamaica. The tree is evergreen, with tough leaves, with small yellowish-white flowers. When the branches reach 2 mt. they are cut and then defoliated to remove bark. This is scratched out the outer cork and then handrolled to form long cylinders, then dried and cut to the desired measures.
Our offer includes: Cinnamon sticks and powder queen (C4 25 cm, 8 cm, 5 cm, 2 cm), ground, granules quillings. Origin Sri Lanka and Madagascar.
(Elettaria cardamomum)
Cardamom – Ingl., Kardamom – Ted., Cardamome – Fr, Cardamomo – Sp., Кардамон – Russ.
Cardamom belongs to the Zingiberacee family.It grows wild but is also cultivated in tropical South and Central America. Its fruits are oblong or round-shaped capsules, divided inside into three sections containing twenty reddish brown aromatic seeds.
Our offer includes: Cardamom berries, cardamom seeds.
Caraway Seeds
(Carum carvi)
Caraway seeds – Ingl., Kümmel – Ted., Graines de carvi – Fr, Semillas de alcarabea – Sp.,Тмин – Russ.
Caraway belongs to the Umbelliferae family such as coriander, and is native to Europe and northern and western Asia. It is cultivated in the Netherlands, Finland, Germany, Austria, England, Spain, Russia, Morocco, Egypt. Its seeds are elongated and slightly curved, darker than those of the very similar cumin. Its smell is either very intense and sweet, but it is more pleasant than Cumin’s.
Our offer includes: Caraway seed, whole or ground, origin Finland, Holland and Russia.
(Cinnamon aromaticum Ness)
Cassia cinnamon, chinese cassia – Ingl., Zimtkassie – Ted., Cannelle de Chine – Fr, Canela de la China – Sp., Кассия – Russ.
Cassia, also known as Chinese Cinnamon, belongs to the Lauraceae family such as cinnamon and it originates from China.
It is cultivated in Malabar, on the island of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia, Vietnam.
Its reddish-brown bark is rough and thick.
Our offer includes: Cassia ground, crushed origin Indonesia.
(Eugenia caryophillata Thumb.)
Cloves – Ingl., Gewürznelken – Ted., Clous de girofle – Fr, Clavo de olor, girofle– Sp., Гвоздика – Russ.
The clove plant belongs to the Myrtaceae family and comes from the Moluccas islands in eastern Indonesia. Most production comes from Zanzibar, Indonesia, Madagascar, Comores Islands, Brazil and China. The spice is made up o flowers buds picked before flowering and then sun dried.
Our offer includes: whole cloves, cleaned, hand selected, ground. Origin Madagascar, Comores Islands, Indonesia.
(Coriandrum sativum)
Coriander seeds – Ingl., Coriander – Ted., Coriandres – Fr, Cilantro, Coriandres – Sp., Кориандр – Russ.
Coriander, like caraway spice, belongs to the Umbelliferae family from the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries. It is grown in Eastern European countries (Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria), North Africa (Morocco and Egypt) and also in Holland, France, Italy, Spain and India.
Its flowers are white or pink and borne in umbels. The coriander seeds are spherical, similar in size to pepper.
Our offer includes: Coriander seeds cleaned and ground, origin East Europe (microcarpum) or North Africa (macrocarpum).
(Cuminum cyminum)
Cumin is a biennial aromatic plant belonging to the Umbelliferae family such as Parsley or Egypitan and Asian Celery. It is grown and exported mainly from India, Syria, Turkey, Morocco. Its seeds are elongated and slightly flattened, yellowish brown and characterized by a distinctive strong aroma.
Our offer includes: Cumin seeds, whole or ground, origin Turkey.
(Curcuma longa)
Curcuma Indian saffron – Ingl., Kurkuma – Ted., Curcuma, Safran des Indes – Fr, Curcuma – Sp., Куркума – Russ.
Turmeric, like ginger, belongs to the Zingiberaceae family and is grown natively in southern Asia and India. This state is the largest producer and consumer of turmeric; it is also cultivated in southern China, Africa, Brazil and Central America. The spice consists of a rootstock( rhizome), reddish orange when fresh and bright yellow when dried.
Our offer includes: ground turmeric.
In India – the country of origin – it is called “masala”. The term generally means all the curry seasonings used to prepare vegetables, fish or meat, served with rice or bread. Depending on different tastes and master chefs skill, a mixture of fresh herbs, roasted and ground, combined with oil, butter or yogurt is added to this great variety of spices in order form a paste which gives flavor to any dish.
Fenuegreek (Greek Hay)
(Trigonella foenum graecum)
Fenugreek – Ingl., Bockshornklee – Ted., Fenugrec – Fr, Fenogreco – Sp., Па́житник сенно́й- Russ.
Fenugreek belongs to the Fabaceae family and is native to western Asia and northern Africa. It is cultivated in India, Egypt, Morocco and southern France. Its leaves look like those of clover, its seeds are diamond-shaped and yellowish brown coloured.
Our offer includes: fenugreek ground, origin India.
(Foeniculum vulgare)
Finocchio – Ingl., Fenchel – Ted., Fenouil – Fr, Hinojo – Sp., Фенхель – Russ.
Fennel belongs to the Umbelliferae family, such as coriander and cumin, and is native to the Mediterranean area. The main producing countries are India, China, Indonesia, Egypt and Pakistan. Its most used parts are the leaves of the basal stem, fleshy and full of water, which are improperly called “bulbs” and are eaten as a vegetable. Its fruits,called seeds, are widely used as a spice in many recipies.
Our offer includes: Fennel and fennel seed, whole or ground, origin Egypt/India.
Juniper Berries
(Juniperus communis)
Bacche di Ginepro – Ingl., Wacholder – Ted., Genévrier– Fr, Juniperus – Sp., Можжеве́льник – Russ.
Juniper belongs to the Cupressaceae family. It is an evergreen shrub with prickly and needle-like leaves. Its fruit, called berries, are green cones when immature and turn blue black after two years of maturation time. Juniper grows wild in Europe, Asia and North America, typically in mountainous areas. Italian berries are the best in flavour.
Our offer includes: Whole juniper berries, crushed juniper, ground juniper.
(Myristica fragrans)
Macis – Ingl., Macis, Mascatblume – Ted., Macis, Fleur de muscade – Fr, Juniperus – Sp., Можжеве́льник – Russ.
Mace is the name of the grid pattern,(reticulum) botanically known as “aril” which covers the shell of nutmeg. When mace is fresh it is fleshy and bright red, when dried it turns orange or amber- yellow. The plant is native to the Band Island, in Indonesia, but is also widespread in tropical or subtropical areas (Java, Sumatra, Sri Lanka, India, Caribbean).
Our offer includes: Mace whole or ground, origin Indonesia (Siauw / Ambon) or Papua.
(Myristica fragrans)
Noce Moscata – Ingl., Muskatnussbaum – Ted., Muscadier – Fr, Nuez moscada, Myristica – Sp., Мускатный орех – Russ.
Nutmeg belongs to the Myristicaceae family, an evergreen tree native to the Moluccas in Indonesia. Its fruit is yellowish, similar to apricot at first glance; when ripe it splits opens in two valves, showing the deep red mace, which is the fleshy coating that covers the dark shell. There is a sort of almond inside, which is the proper spice.
Our offer includes: Nutmeg whole uncalibrated (ABCD) and calibrated (100 – 110 and 80 to 85), ground nutmeg and granulated. Origin Indonesia and Grenada Island.
(Pimenta dioica)
Allspice – Ingl., Piment – Ted., Piment de la Jamaïque– Fr, Pimienta de Jamaica,– Sp., Души́стый/Яма́йский пе́рец – Russ.
Allspice, also called “Jamaican pepper” or “pepper cloves” belongs to the Mirtaceae family, like Mediterranean myrtle. It is an evergreen tree native to Jamaica, with berries gathered in clusters. Its fresh berries are harvested when unripe and green, which turn brown after sun drying.
It looks like pepper with larger grains.
Our offer includes: Whole Allspice berries, cleaned, ground or crushed. Origin Mexico, Jamaica.
Celery Seeds
(Apium graveolens)
Semi di Sedano – Ingl., Echter Sellerie – Ted., Céleri– Fr, Anìs estrellado – Sp., Сельдерей – Russ.
Celery is a biennial plant which belongs to Umbelliferae family like cumin, native to Asia and the Mediterranean region, cultivated as a vegetable. In India, on the contrary, celery is grown almost exclusively for the production of seeds, traditionally used as a spice.
Celery seeds are brownish- brown.
Our offer includes: Celery seed, whole or ground, origin India.
(Zingiber officinale)
Ginger – Ingl., Ingwer – Ted., Gingembre– Fr, Jengibre– Sp., Имби́рь – Russ.
Ginger belongs to the Zingiberaceae family and is native to Asia. It is cultivated in India, China, Japan, Nigeria, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Thailand.
The rhizome of this aromatic plant is the part used as a spice.
It can be sold either fresh or dried, with skin or peeled.
Our offer includes: Sliced ginger and powder, Nigeria origin.