(Carum carvi)
Caraway seeds – Ingl., Kümmel – Ted., Graines de carvi – Fr, Semillas de alcarabea – Sp.,Тмин - Russ.
Caraway belongs to the Umbelliferae family such as coriander, and is native to Europe and northern and western Asia. It is cultivated in the Netherlands, Finland, Germany, Austria, England, Spain, Russia, Morocco, Egypt. Its seeds are elongated and slightly curved, darker than those of the very similar cumin. Its smell is either very intense and sweet, but it is more pleasant than Cumin’s.
Caraway seed, whole or ground, origin Finland, Holland and Russia.
Food Composition
Caraway seeds contain up to 5% of essential oil, composed mainly of carvone and limonene.
Other important components are sugars, iron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, vitamin C.
Culinary Use
Caraway seeds are used for the preparation of some types of strong- taste pungent smelling cheese, such as gorgonzola. Mixed with flour. they give a pleasing flavor to bread, cakes, pretzels, cookies and cakes. With the seeds of caraway a cumin liquor is prepared, used as a digestive.
Healing Effect
Caraway seeds possess digestive properties such as bay leaves and star anise plant, stimulant and diuretic.
They are used to treat colitis, colic, and other gastro intestinal disease.
They are also used in cases of lack of appetite and anorexia, as they stimulate appetite.
Caraway seeds should be stored in a cool, ventilated, poorly lit and dry place.