Spicy Herbs

Spicy Herbs

(Petroselinum sativum Hoffm)

Parsley – Ingl., Petersilie – Ted., Persil – Fr, Prixel – Sp., Петрушка – Russ.

Parsley belongs to the Umbelliferae family and is traditionally grown in Central and South Europe, England, in Africa, East Asia and India.
It can reach 80 cm  height, and its flowers are white or greenish.
It is used as an aromatic herb and for its healing properties.

Our offer includes: leaf parsley 1 mm, 2 to 4 mm and powder, sun-dried or mechanically-dried, from Egypt and Hungary.


(Origanum vulgare)

Majoran – Ingl., aechter Dost – Ted., Origan – Fr,Oregano  – Sp., Орегано – Russ.

Oregano belongs to the Labiatae family like spearmint and rosemary; it is native to Mediterranean countries. It grows wild in dry places, even on  mountains. Traditionally spontaneous,it is cultivated as an aromatic plant and for therapeutic use. It is harvested  two or three times a year during  summer. The most common variety – the Origanum vulgare – is widespread in Italy, Asian peninsula and in the Balkan area.

Our offer includes: oregano leaf and powder 30 mesh, sun dried, originally from Turkey or South America, botanically pure or mixed with other Mediterranean plants.


(Mentha viridis L.)

Fresh mint belongs to the  Labiatae family like oregano and rosemary. It grows wild throughout Europe, Asia Minor, North Africa. Its leaves are oval, pale green. Its flowers are light purple.

 Our offer includes: 30 mesh mint, mint powder origin Egypt.


(Origanum majorana, sin. Majorana hortensis)

Maggiorana – Ingl. ,Majorankraut – Ted., Marjolaine – Fr, Mejorana  – Sp., Майоран – Russ.

Marjoram belongs to the Labiatae  family such as Salvia officinalis or savory; it is native to western Asia and north-east Africa where it grows spontaneously as  perennial grass. In Europe it is only cultivated as it requires sunlight and warm temperatures. It is used in food processing industry, in the production of liqueurs and spirits, for perfumes.

 Our offer includes: marjoram leaves 30 mesh, 1 mm and powder.

(Allium schoenoprasum)

Erba Cipollina – Ingl.,Schnittlauch – Ted.,Civette, Ciboulette  – Fr,Cebollino  – Sp., Лук скорода – Russ.

Chives belong to the  Liliaceae family, probably native to Asia. It grows in meadows, grass lawns and on mountains up to 2500 m above sea level, in Europe, Asia and North America. Its leaves are tubular, long and narrow, with a delicate onion -like aroma. Its flowers are pink-purple.

Our offer includes: dried chives, tubular or sheet, Chinese origin.

(Ocimum basilicum)

Basilico – Ingl., Basilikumkraut – Ted., Basilic – Fr, Albahaca – Sp., Базилик – Russ.
Basil, like mint and oregano, belongs to the Labiatae family and is a native to tropical Asia. Today the plant is widespread in Europe, the Americas and tropical Africa. Basil leaves are oval; its color changes  from deep green to dark green with a reddish hue depending on the different varieties. Its flowers are white or pink.

Our offer includes:  basil leaf 30 mesh, 1 mm basil leaf, basil powder.


(Salvia officinalis)

Salvia – Ingl., Salbei – Ted., Sauge – Fr, Salvia – Sp., Шалфей – Russ.

Sage belongs to the Labiatae family like oregano and grows wild in Mediterranean countries and southern Europe; it is often cultivated for its use as aromatic herb, but also for therapeutic purposes.
Until the ’60s and ’70s sage was harvested in Italy, and exported all over the world. Now the world’s largest producer is Turkey, with wide cultivations, followed by Albania, where  wild harvest is still  prevailing.

Our offer includes: whole leaf sage, salvia T/V, sage powder, originally from Turkey or Albania.

(Rosmarinus officinalis)

Rosmarino – Ingl., Rosmarin – Ted., Rosmarin – Fr, Romero – Sp., Розмарин – Russ.

Rosemary, like salvia officinalis belongs to the Labiatae family, is native to Mediterranean countries and grows wild in Italy, France, Corsica, Balearic Islands, Spain, Greece, Albania, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Libya. Rosemary is cultivated  either as an aromatic plant (traditionally in France and Corsica, now in North African countries too) or as an essence plant.

Our offer includes: first quality rosemary leaf, rosemary leaf T/V2 and 5 mm, rosemary powder.

(Artemia dracunculus)

Dragoncello – Ingl., Estragon – Ted., Estragon – Fr., Dragoncillo  – Sp., Эстрагон- Russ.

Tarragon belongs to the Asteraceae family and is native to central Asia, southern Russia and Siberia. It grows wild throughout the Mediterranean basin. Its leaves are long, narrow and pointed. Its flowers are grouped in a  small  yellowish-green cob.
The plant is cultivated in Central European countries (eg Hungary, Poland), Mediterranean and Arabian countries, and Iran, where it originally grows.

Our offer includes: whole leaf tarragon, T / V and ground.

(Laurus nobilis)

Alloro – Ingl., Lorbeer – Ted., Laurier – Fr, Lauro – Sp., Лавр – Russ.

Bay belongs to the  Lauraceae family and it is native to  Asia Minor. It grows wild in   all Mediterranean countries, and it is mainly cultivated  in Turkey. Widespread cultivations could be also found  in Albania,  progressively abandoned in the last decades. In addition to its use as an aromatic plant,  laurel is well appreciated as an ornamental plant, either bush or tree shaped.

Our offer includes: whole leaf, bay leaf T / V and powder.



(Satureja montana)

Savory – Ingl., Pfefferkraut – Ted., Sarriette des montagnes – Fr., Ajedrea,– Sp., Чабер – Russ.

Savory belongs to the Labiatae family like marjoram and is native to western Asia. It grows wild in the mountainous areas of southern Europe, North Africa, Australia. Its leaves are green, narrow and glossy.
Its flowers are small, white-pink.
our offer includes: full leaf Savory , T/V and grinded

(Thymus vulgaris )

Thyme– Ingl., Thymian– Ted., Thym – Fr, Tomillo – Sp.,Тимьян – Russ.

Thyme belongs to the Labiatae family like marjoram and basil: it is native to western Mediterranean region. It grows in mountain areas of southern Europe, northern Asia, North Africa. Its leaves are small, elliptically shaped, green. Its flowers are pink or whitish. It is cultivated in Mediterranean countries (especially Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Spain and Albania) and in the North East. Its color may vary, darker or paler, depending on the soil and climatic conditions, and may have a slightly different flavor.

Our offer includes: Thyme leaf and powder, of Moroccan origin and Eastern Europe.