Webb James


(Elettaria cardamomum)

Cardamom – Ingl., Kardamom – Ted., Cardamome – Fr, Cardamomo – Sp., Кардамон - Russ.

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Cardamom belongs to the  Zingiberacee family.It grows wild but  is also cultivated in tropical South and Central America. Its fruits are  oblong or round-shaped capsules, divided inside into three sections containing twenty reddish brown aromatic seeds.

Our offer includes:

Our offer includes: Cardamom berries, cardamom seeds.

Food Composition

The seeds of cardamom contain starch, ethereal extract and volatile oil, resin substances.
The essential oil is rich of limonene, cinelo, terpinol, borneol acetate, d-terpinile.

Culinary Use

Cardamom is used  as a spice in Arab countries for the preparation of traditional Arabic coffee and tea. In India it is used as a spice in many dishes of rice, sweets and spice mixes for delicious dishes such as chicken curry. In other Eastern countries it is  use to season  meat, fish and soups. In the Nordic countries cardamom is used in confectionery and in some alcoholic beverages. Many  liqueurs and spirits are in fact flavored with the fruits of cardamom.

Healing Effect

The healing properties of cardamom are useful for digestion; It helps appetite and reduces intestinal problems.
It treats inflammations of teeth and gum.
Gargles with an infusion of cardamom is good remedy for coughs, colds and  to prevent flu.


To  maintain its flavor and aroma cardamom seeds should be stored in a cool, ventilated, poorly lit and dry place.

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